Sunday, September 28, 2008

Assignment two!

inspired by the recent molestation incident in nus! =))
i was seriously stuck for a while, came up with ideas in the library,
such as lappie charger here,
napping area here,
and a couple of others, but they were SO COMMON ZZZZZ.

i was still mulling over what to do at home, day before tutorial,
and i flipped the newpaper page!=D
and etc etc etc i went to work on it asap heh.
finished product! note- again the colour is off due to unknown technical glitches in blogger.
it looks way better in tutorial heh. colours used - red for warning, and black and white.
picked the second last one cause i thought it was clearest,
any more detail and it'll become damn gay/ look like a dance scene.
this assignment was surprisingly easy to do, just slowly remove detail.
hmm but i was worried for a while cause most people in tutorial didn't even bother much with the picture, and jumped straight to black/white/another colour and a clear pictogram,
I tried to keep the removing of detail consistent instead. oh well. still, not bad. =)
comments in tutorial by siti were that perhaps the last stage could be more abstract,
as supposedly the last piece is not even supposed to make sense. -.-
sometimes the requirements in our course is honestly a tad weird.
anyway so i'll just make changes to the last picture,
and leave it at that. next assignment!


Sunday, September 7, 2008

no seriously it's a 500 degree change!
the colours i used were so much softer and prettier and adorable!!
they were fine when i printed them out though...-frowns- 
i wonder how come..seriously.

okay that only applies for the second phoenix though.
the first phoenix is a bit dark and angst-filled, the colours for that piece isn't showing...

i still had time before tutorial and just sort of anyhow-ed did another phoenix.
haha extra time's good. just took a while. but nah, i still like the second phoenix, which is the first i did. sentimental value!


but FINE that'll be way too lazy of it. i was thanking my lucky stars right from the beginning that my name is simply, Lisa. four letters! 

and large jpeg files take FOREVER TO UPLOAD ZZZZZZZZZZZ.

oh and feedback from the classmates + tutor -

-nix the first phoenix,
-the colours used for the second phoenix is nice =D HOW WASTED IT CAN'T BE SEEN HERE
about that i was superfied and horrified, but yeah now that i think about it, it makes sense.
i wasn't exactly keeping this whole issue of my name being clear while i was doing it.

oh well, amendments. 

haha and MY TUTOR is, how do i put it...
cuttingly nice. she isn't the sort of tutor which i thought all tutors for this mod would be.
you know, being nice, and going ' good effort.' 
she's direct, to the point, and critiques. ah but i think overall in this mod,
there's too much emphasis given to the focus of the work, 
and not to overall aesthetics.

oh and quite a few classmates picked spongebob as the design which they remembered the most, one picked the phoenix =)

that's my aim, actually.
as in, marks are one thing, but i rather much create something which people remember.

sigh. honestly, i can see myself struggling with this module in the future.
pride, and all that lol. 


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Assignment 1 - I HATE/SPONGEBOB ( part one)

haha another sketch i'm not changing.
i like it, after i sketched a few variations, with spongebob getting 'steamboated' and etc.
but yeah, added patrick to represent the 'A'. looked around the other (retarded) characters such as the bacteria ( WTF) and some female fish,
but yeah patrick seems the easiest to manipulate.
drawing now is fine, i predict all the problems will come when i photoshop though.

and i'm really bloody clueless about illustrator,
despite going for the workshop. -___-||
okay my photoshop is no better.
but according to my friends and lecturer, it supposed to be simple.
live trace or something, then add in colour. 

hmm, having vaguely mixed feelings about reflection now.
i mean, it's silly to force someone to have to reflect, for the sake of grades.
but of course, there's always a point in encouraging people to think critically about their work.
but yeah, but this, but that.

Assignment - MY NAME IS/ I LOVE ( part1)

My name is  Lisa and i Love Phoenix!
i actually checked and the plural of phoenix is phoenix, and not phoenixes. - GRASPS-

heh, my outline is pretty!
laugh the bad thing about me is that i do have a propensity not to change anything when i decided on it. -__-|| and i sketched a rough sketch of this in lecture,
and no matter, i'm not changing, even if i have to draw other stuff to show that i thought of other stuff.
but i think this should be fine.
they wouldnt bash it during tutorial, my classmates ain't that mean lol. i think.


Monday, September 1, 2008


it's nearly one am.

damn it, photoshop.

then again, it hasn't been that bad when you've a guiding hand by your side,
someone learning with you. =)
