Monday, November 17, 2008

the end of a module


honestly, i did learn a lot from this module,
and i'm glad that i can say that i'm proud of my works,
after much re-doing and re-doing.
as mentioned earlier, i wish i put in more effort in my portfolio design,
but so be it. =)
the past can't be erased lol.

hopefully, one can look at my portfolio,
and look at what i wrote
( since the the colour scheme of the pictures in this blog is screwed zz)
and smile at my pieces, and perhaps remember them =)
best thing, ever.


Christmas card! - final

sigh, usual note - the colour scheme is off -thanks to blogger.

lol anyway, enough of angsty-ing, basically i re-vamped my card.

and again, my tutorial mates' work are so much simple and pretty.
i know the emphasis on this assignment is the colour scheme,
and about that point, the un-vamped assignment,
the one i presented in tutorial is probably better. sigh..

but honestly,
i rather do a memorable pretty card which will make people happy.
my guy friend told me that if he received such a card from a friend,
he will really smile. =)

i baked real gingerbread man, child, christmas, dogs, stars,
and took different kinds of shots and to see which was best!
this was the nicest! sometimes simplicity is best lol. not too much stuff crammed into one card.
it's a shame i was rushing for the electronic deadline,
if not i would have probably added a small picture,
of a gingerbread dog at the back of the card.
oh well, maybe it's for the best. no clutter.

=) but actually i thought my unvamped card was pretty as well.
we can't have the best of both worlds, can we?

there's a sense of regret, actually.
my portfolio was hastily done.
there was so much more to my works i could have brought out.
actually, during the holidays, i think i might go and re-do my portfolio,
with better drawn sketches, with more reflections, elaborations and detail.

the portfolio doesn't do justice to my works, really.
to the effort i put in, the aesthetics, everything.

and random, i really do like shariff's card! it's imaginative, simple and everything.
i would so buy it. =)


Monday, November 10, 2008


LOL anyway i can't upload the storybook pictures!
it's in pdf format zzz.
lol hopefully my words can paint a hundred pictures then.

anyway, my part in the project was to write the words,
i tried to use a bit of dialogue to make it more personable,
and a bit of alliteration here and there,
for the rhythmic effect,
used sound effects as well, such as ' woof woof' kind.

my group's story is about how boy roy and his dog woof used to bully cats,
but one day, he turned into a cat, and got bullied by the entire world.
then a cat used to bully was nice to him, then he reformed etc etc,
and TADA, nice boy roy. =)

haha oh well, it's cute, the storyline is cute, illustrator graphics,
and it's simple yet funny in a sense heh.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


okay the colour fuck up is so detracting the beauty from my poster wtf.
esp when i like my poster so much LOL.
anyway, my new poster!

my friend went to vietnam and took like a thousand photos,
i looked through all of them, and i saw this gorgeous photo which i thought would be perfect!
i asked him permission to use the photo and VIOLA,

i didn't overly edit the photo,
because i thought the photo was enough of a marker,
i just zoomed in a bit to capture the full effect of hand and expression.
i just added words at the bottom, under a semi opaque layer of black.
fiddled around with margins and white borders, at siti's suggestion.

i'm glad i re-did my poster, actually. =)
because honestly, i really like it. i think it's gorgeous,
because it capitalizes on the beauty of the photo,
which directly addresses the problem of wildlife conservation.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gestalt Principles

the two posters! i chose and did the presentation slides for the first one, the 'bad' poster,
while thomas did the 'good poster', but didn't manage to make it for tutorial so i had to present his part lol.
had problems choosing a bad poster initally,
cause i tended to see the good in posters, instead of the bad.
oh well, if anyone is REALLY interested in what me and thomas wrote,
email me and i'll email you our presentation slides XD

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Assignment one - My Name is/LOVE/HATE

i really don't understand why the colours are SO off!
SERIOUSLY. the red in spongebob is in theory, and in my portfolio DARK BLUE. WTF.

anyway, i hope the amendments i made to my work are clear enough!=D
i basically redrew the entire thing, made spongebob and patrick smaller, 
so my name would stand out.
THANK YOU ANDY for voluntarily lending me your wacom tablet!
seriously things were made so much easier, and i could hand draw and write.

used my terrible handwriting to write for spongebob, figuring that the ugliness would accurately convey my hate of spongebob and friends.

hoped the literal metaphors was clear, that spongebob was getting burned,
had a python wrapped around him, and the snake in mention was about to bite patrick and so on.

and for the phoenix, i just altered the outline a bit, made it bolder and stronger,
and made the entire name smaller, a border,
and the wings for 'L' opaque!' =)

=( gosh, but the colours..
thank goodness the colours weren't altered when i printed everything out though.
if not i would faint on the spot.

haha rushed all my changes when i realized we had to hand everything in the z drive,
and that we couldn't make further changes.
sigh, gosh i hate deadlines, but without them i wouldn't do anything.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Christmas card - draft

      the middle of the card           the back of the card

The front of the card!
the colour scheme

again - usual note - colours are screwed up sigh.

honestly, the soft pretty colour effects i spend ages doing is all lost when i put these up on my blog.
how unsatisfying, seriously.

oh well, anyway ,my card!
as usual, the theme in the class is beautiful simplicity,
and i have to go the more complicated route blah.

went to research on gingerbread,
and how to draw them, drew them, scanned and put together a card.
time really flies when you use photoshop.

sigh i have a penchant for doing last minute work,
and yet i insist on doing it with such detail. WHYYYY.

anyway, feedback from the class went that it was nice and rather convenient,
that the middle of the card had writings and greetings -
saves the trouble of writing a actual christmas greeting LOL.

and from siti, i should put in more effort in the colour scheme zzz.
sometimes, i don't understand the requirements.
so yeah, hierarchy and grades. i may be re-doing the card,
so i'll try to improve, perhaps. 
decisions, decisions.
should i re-do?
