Sunday, October 26, 2008

Assignment one - My Name is/LOVE/HATE

i really don't understand why the colours are SO off!
SERIOUSLY. the red in spongebob is in theory, and in my portfolio DARK BLUE. WTF.

anyway, i hope the amendments i made to my work are clear enough!=D
i basically redrew the entire thing, made spongebob and patrick smaller, 
so my name would stand out.
THANK YOU ANDY for voluntarily lending me your wacom tablet!
seriously things were made so much easier, and i could hand draw and write.

used my terrible handwriting to write for spongebob, figuring that the ugliness would accurately convey my hate of spongebob and friends.

hoped the literal metaphors was clear, that spongebob was getting burned,
had a python wrapped around him, and the snake in mention was about to bite patrick and so on.

and for the phoenix, i just altered the outline a bit, made it bolder and stronger,
and made the entire name smaller, a border,
and the wings for 'L' opaque!' =)

=( gosh, but the colours..
thank goodness the colours weren't altered when i printed everything out though.
if not i would faint on the spot.

haha rushed all my changes when i realized we had to hand everything in the z drive,
and that we couldn't make further changes.
sigh, gosh i hate deadlines, but without them i wouldn't do anything.


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