Friday, October 10, 2008

Poster -draft

haha i honestly hope you think i don't have such bad colour coordination.
colour problem courtsey of blogger. i wish i knew how to fix it geh. =
anyway, reflections - i think this is a badly done poster. esp in relation to others.
i had no ideas whatsoever, and time was running out. sigh.
basically this is to prevent colon cancer - this is damn direct -
using healthy students to promote drinking more h2o and vegetables,
to prevent the disease.
sigh, this assignment has so much potenial.
i just wish i could maximise it. thank god i can redo it in the future,
once ideas hit me.
in tutorial i told siti i had full intention of changing it,
so feedback wasn't needed lol.
then surprisingly she became really encouraging and went ' this poster isn't so bad!, see, you must have put in thought into the colour coordination, that blue represents water, red for colon cancer...' and etc.
laugh how sweet! =)
but yeah, it's bad.

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