Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Gestalt Principles

the two posters! i chose and did the presentation slides for the first one, the 'bad' poster,
while thomas did the 'good poster', but didn't manage to make it for tutorial so i had to present his part lol.
had problems choosing a bad poster initally,
cause i tended to see the good in posters, instead of the bad.
oh well, if anyone is REALLY interested in what me and thomas wrote,
email me and i'll email you our presentation slides XD

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Assignment one - My Name is/LOVE/HATE

i really don't understand why the colours are SO off!
SERIOUSLY. the red in spongebob is in theory, and in my portfolio DARK BLUE. WTF.

anyway, i hope the amendments i made to my work are clear enough!=D
i basically redrew the entire thing, made spongebob and patrick smaller, 
so my name would stand out.
THANK YOU ANDY for voluntarily lending me your wacom tablet!
seriously things were made so much easier, and i could hand draw and write.

used my terrible handwriting to write for spongebob, figuring that the ugliness would accurately convey my hate of spongebob and friends.

hoped the literal metaphors was clear, that spongebob was getting burned,
had a python wrapped around him, and the snake in mention was about to bite patrick and so on.

and for the phoenix, i just altered the outline a bit, made it bolder and stronger,
and made the entire name smaller, a border,
and the wings for 'L' opaque!' =)

=( gosh, but the colours..
thank goodness the colours weren't altered when i printed everything out though.
if not i would faint on the spot.

haha rushed all my changes when i realized we had to hand everything in the z drive,
and that we couldn't make further changes.
sigh, gosh i hate deadlines, but without them i wouldn't do anything.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Christmas card - draft

      the middle of the card           the back of the card

The front of the card!
the colour scheme

again - usual note - colours are screwed up sigh.

honestly, the soft pretty colour effects i spend ages doing is all lost when i put these up on my blog.
how unsatisfying, seriously.

oh well, anyway ,my card!
as usual, the theme in the class is beautiful simplicity,
and i have to go the more complicated route blah.

went to research on gingerbread,
and how to draw them, drew them, scanned and put together a card.
time really flies when you use photoshop.

sigh i have a penchant for doing last minute work,
and yet i insist on doing it with such detail. WHYYYY.

anyway, feedback from the class went that it was nice and rather convenient,
that the middle of the card had writings and greetings -
saves the trouble of writing a actual christmas greeting LOL.

and from siti, i should put in more effort in the colour scheme zzz.
sometimes, i don't understand the requirements.
so yeah, hierarchy and grades. i may be re-doing the card,
so i'll try to improve, perhaps. 
decisions, decisions.
should i re-do?


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Christmas card - scans

scans which i used to construct my card!
haha, a gingerbread family celebrating christmas. how christmassy. =D

Monday, October 20, 2008

PICTURE STORY- draft and final

nine photos used!
my story -
outline -
there's chocolate,
two kids want it,
lol, yea, seriously that's the plot.
thanks to amanda for lending me her plushies!
people are hard to manipulate,
and it's difficult getting the facial expression you want.
so i thought i'll be different, and try using plushies instead.
=) and i'm glad i did heh. only thing im worried about is that there's not enough of a twist...
as what my tutorial mates pointed out..
but amanda and her plushies are in london now. X_X
so won't be re-doing, i have my hands full with assignments as well!

Assignment two - Abstraction final

again, the colours of my works on this blog is messed up sheesh. annoys the hell out of me.

haha looked at the last picture till i got a clear idea of what was a pictogram.
was a tad confused for a while.

sigh, but yeah i don't know why i seem to keep complicating things for myself.
my work tends to be more complicated = hell lot of work,
while i see others breeze through with simplistic, pretty designs.

anyway, the colour problem is still, as always persisting.
i wonder if it's a safari problem. hmmm...
anyway, this is my final piece for assignment two! 

didn't make much changes to the piece i presented, really. cause it was fine.

i just changed the final stage of the abstraction to make it even more 'abstract',
got rid of the butt and breasts and some stuff.
i kept zooming in and out, and finally decided on that.

picked the second one! it was abstract, but not overly so,
and the point is conveyed. the colours i used i think accurately conveyed the point, which was red.
beware of molesters! 

but yeah the picture was complicated, so what i saw others do zzzzz.
oh and i'm glad that my piece was interesting!=) like assignment one.
i do sincerely like my works lol. but yeah, being completely biased as usual.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Poster -draft

haha i honestly hope you think i don't have such bad colour coordination.
colour problem courtsey of blogger. i wish i knew how to fix it geh. =
anyway, reflections - i think this is a badly done poster. esp in relation to others.
i had no ideas whatsoever, and time was running out. sigh.
basically this is to prevent colon cancer - this is damn direct -
using healthy students to promote drinking more h2o and vegetables,
to prevent the disease.
sigh, this assignment has so much potenial.
i just wish i could maximise it. thank god i can redo it in the future,
once ideas hit me.
in tutorial i told siti i had full intention of changing it,
so feedback wasn't needed lol.
then surprisingly she became really encouraging and went ' this poster isn't so bad!, see, you must have put in thought into the colour coordination, that blue represents water, red for colon cancer...' and etc.
laugh how sweet! =)
but yeah, it's bad.